Quantum Synergy Canada Inc. have the expertise and resources to research, analyze and correct identified problems pertaining to Environment, Health, Safety and Quality. Some of the projects we have successfully completed are Indoor Air Quality, Noise Abatement, Chemical Exposure, Ergonomic Assessment, Physical Demand Analysis, Management and Labour Conflict Resolution, Fire Prevention and Protection.


Pre-Start Health and Safety Review – for new equipment, addition or change for equipment, process, and facility.

Physical Demand Analysis – study of the human factors required to perform tasks, activities and jobs.

Functional Capacity Evaluation - designed around the known job/essential tasks, utilizing a selection of standardized tests to ascertain the worker’s ability.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning – design and performance issues dealing with Indoor Air Quality. 

Laboratory Safety – design and maintenance of research and instructional laboratories.

Audits and Inspections – audit and inspection measurements designed to meet international standards.

Industrial Hygiene – exposure monitoring, assessment and analysis